• We produce our olive oils for health using ancient knowledge passed down through generations.

    Founded by Nurlan Yusifov in Çanakkale Assos with the principle of olive oil for health, Buta Assos has been committed to producing olive oil for health with a zero-waste approach since its establishment.

    We meticulously manage every step from the cultivation of our olives to reaching your tables. Our primary goal is not just to produce olive oil but to create olive oil that is healthy, natural, and in harmony with ecological cycles. The location of our production facility has been chosen in line with this principle. Placed right next to our olive grove, our production facility is positioned away from residential areas and vehicle traffic, ensuring it remains free from adverse external factors, including air pollution.

  • We want to care for every olive tree in our country.

    Particularly, the Mediterranean and Aegean regions of our country have been crucial points for olive oil production since ancient times. For thousands of years, it has been the main source of livelihood for the local communities, contributing to the region's development and prosperity. The remnants of important ancient cities that have reached our present day were built upon the abundance of olive oil. As Buta Assos, we aim to enhance and preserve this significant heritage we have inherited from the past for future generations. Therefore, every olive tree in our country is precious to us, and we want to take care of each one.

  • Why Buta Assos?

    Our olive oil pressing facility is established in the fertile lands of Assos, away from the city, adjacent to our olive grove, to achieve the unique combination of flavor and health.

    In our pressing facilities, we use Mori-Tem, the world's leading olive oil extraction system sourced from Italy. We continuously strive to keep our methods up-to-date and maintain the highest level of quality by always staying current with industry advancements.